Huskisson Public School

Together we are Stronger and Smarter

Telephone02 4441 5074

Transcript of Faces of Education

so growth mindset is the ability to see

your brain as being like a muscle and

the ability that you can grow and learn

and improve.

When I'll stall my ride to

me I made a lot of mistakes.

I fought a door and I never gave up.

I tried out for the spelling bee I wasn't confident.

I used my growth mindset and I made it.

To be sweet when I do tests I sometimes

get the answer wrong but the test

happens again and then I get the answer

right to make a growth mindset is saying

never give up even if you don't succeed

have a great month I use the power yet

if I haven't done something I say I

haven't done this yet focus is very much

on the effort that is going into the

works not just about a grade it's about

how each individual student is improving